Burned in a Car Accident
No one expects to be involved in a car accident when they’re on the road however, car accidents happen daily. If you’re lucky, you’ll...

PTSD After A Car Accident
Car accidents occur every day and for most, being involved in a car accident will cause some initial shock. Most people involved in a car...

Soft Tissue Injuries
Soft tissue injuries are common after a car accident. This type of injury includes any form of injury or damage to muscle tissue,...

Spinal Cord Injury
A spinal cord injury is damage to any part of the spinal cord. The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that the vertebrae of the spine...

Traumatic Brain Injury - Get the Most From Your Claim
Traumatic brain injury or TBI is the result of a bump, blow or jolt to the head. Some of the causes of a TBI include car accidents,...

Best Car Accident Lawyer in Burbank for 2021!
Thank you @expertiselocal for naming me as one of the Best Car Accident Lawyers in Burbank for 2021! 17 Best Burbank Car Accident Lawyers...

When You Need a Lawyer and When You Don’t.
Find out if you need legal help, or when you can get by doing it on your own. Speeding in your car is against the law, but so is petty...

The 10 Most Important Things You Must Do Quickly After Separation
There are many things you must do after marriage separation. But, there are 10 things you must absolutely do as soon as the separation...